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Blender可以利用节点来制作复杂的PBR材质,SimpleBake插件可以更加简单的对材质进行烘焙和输出,桥接到Substance Painter, Second Life, Sketchfab, Unity等软件 Blender 2.8 provides a very powerful way to create complex PBR materials by using nodes. However, what should be a simple process of baking and exporting these materials for use with other software or systems (Substance Painter, Second Life, Sketchfab, Unity etc.) is surprisingly difficult.

可以在渲染大场景的时候,自动将高精度模型转换成低精度进行渲染,但是效果尽可能接近,只支持EEVEE渲染器 With Instant Impostors, users can automatically convert any mesh into an optimized low-poly impostor, massively increasing performance in large-scale scenes. Using advanced shader-based rendering, the impostors display a detailed representation of the original mesh, utilizing 3D parallax, self shadowing, and translucency to further replicate the detail of the original object.

Precision Bolts可以程序化生成各种精细的螺栓、螺母和螺纹杆等 Precision Bolts is a blender addon developed to bring an array of mathematically accurate Bolts, Nuts & Threaded Rods. plus VERY WIP screws to the precision world of Blender. Not only that, it’s all encapsulated inside the closest thing to a “parametric” system, giving you the ability to change everything on the fly.

可以在模型周围添加约束器,来控制模型的变形、绑定、修改等 Blocker is a simple-to-use addon for quick blocking out a shape and stylizing. There are loads of tools out there, but I was looking for a way to design a form quickly. It’s like placing blocks (cubes) first, joining them, and modifying them.

  【插件简介】 在编辑模式下旋转网格后,您的局部变换通常会变得...

  【插件简介】 Loop Copier是一个简单的Blender克隆工具插件,可...

该插件简化了设置 Follow Path 约束的过程,并向对象添加了 2 个新的动画属性。This add-on simplifies the process of setting up Follow Path constraints and adds 2 new animable properties to the object.

SpeeRetopo Addon帮助您在Blender上轻松快速地进行Retopology!这个插件是为初学者设计的,使用起来非常简单。它为您提供了所有必要的工具来进行润饰。Speedretopo由一位自由艺术家为所有艺术家制作。 SpeeRetopo Addon’s helps you to make easy and Fast Retopology on Blender!The addon was made for beginners and is really simple to use. It gives you all the necessary tools to work on your retopology. Speedretopo was made by a freelance artist for all blender artists.



Blender的插件很多,特别是不同项目工作流程不一样的时候,管理调用起来不是很方便,Clean Panels插件可以有3种管理方式,图标、下拉菜单、右键弹窗,这方面方便在不同插件快速切换




Precision Bolts可以程序化生成各种精细的螺栓、螺母和螺纹杆等

GeoCables是一个Blender插件,它允许您通过使用几何节点生成程序悬挂电缆。该插件的核心是几何节点,但该插件通过简单地单击曲面或将对象转换为电缆,提供在对象模式下绘制等功能,使其更加方便。 GeoCables is a Blender Addon that allows you to generate procedural hanging cables by using Geometry Nodes.The core of the addon is Geometry Nodes but the addon makes it much more convenient by offering functions like Drawing in the Object mode by simply clicking on surfaces or converting objects to cables.

GeoPipes是一个Blender插件,它允许您使用几何节点生成程序管道。该插件的核心是几何节点,但该插件提供了在“对象”模式下通过单击曲面创建管道的功能,从而使其更加方便。 GeoPipes is a Blender Addon that allows you to generate procedural Pipes by using Geometry Nodes.The core of the addon is Geometry Nodes but the addon makes it much more convenient by offering the ability to create pipes in the Object mode by simply clicking on surfaces.

插件Physical Celestial Objects让您只需点击几下即可创建真实比例的物理精确行星。可设置纹理、半径、旋转、角度、大气层等。

FLARED是一款实时镜头光效耀斑Blender插件 ,可在Cycles和Eeve中直接在Blender的VIEWPORT中工作。 FLARED is a REAL-TIME LENS FLARE GENERATOR that works directly in the VIEWPORT of Blender both in Cycles and Eevee. Really easy to use.

创建多达106个混合和匹配不同部分的女性动漫风格角色网格。自定义它以帮助提高您的生产力!一个好的基础网格可以让您节省时间,并具有良好的比例和干净的拓扑。 Create up to 106 female anime style character meshes mixing and matching different parts. Customize it to help increase your productivity! A good base mesh allows you to save time with good proportions and clean topology.

可以简单搭建一个场景,智能AI会自动渲染成很不错的效果 Render with Stable Diffusion in Blender. This add-on renders an AI generated image based on a text prompt and your scene.Create incredible AI generated images with Stable Diffusion easily, without running any code on your own computer!

Random Flow可以在选中的模型面上快速生成各种科幻凸起效果,快速添加细节 Random Flow is a random mesh generator designed for fast and easy hard surface prototyping and concept art. This is the beta version with a lot more functionalities expected in the future.

这个程序化的蜘蛛网生成器可以帮助您快速地用美丽微妙的蜘蛛网填充您的场景。 使用起来非常简单。 This procedural cobweb generator helps you quickly fill your scene with beautiful subtle cobwebs. If you are doing any abandoned or fantasy interiors, this addon will save you a lot of time while improving the quality of your renders dramatically. Filling a scene with the customized cobwebs can take only minutes.

Tree Generator可以快速生成树木效果,包括调节树木分支、大小高度、茂密程度等多种参数,支持arnold, blender-internal, blender-game-engine, cycles, eevee, freestyle, luxrender, mental-ray, octane, vray, yafaray等多种渲染器 This setup will work by just copy and pasting it into your scene.Use the edit mode and copy the vertex to get more trees.Works in both EEVEE and Cycles (made to look good in both, have a look at the video linked)

