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K-CyclesX 是高度优化的 Cycles-X 渲染引擎、超降噪器和 Blender 实时视口效果的自定义构建。它与 Cycles 完全兼容,专为 Nvidia GPU 设计。


超过100种预设,包括材质、粒子、模型等。与 Cycles 和 Eevee 渲染引擎兼容。只需保存在您的资产浏览器文件夹中,然后拖放到任何场景中! Over 100 asset browser ready assets including materials, particles, models, and more. All updates included for free! Compatible with Cycles and Eevee render engines. Just save in your asset browser folder and drag and drop into any scene!

Half Knife是Blender的一款切割插件,可以更加快速和准确的进行切割 Half Knife is a product for PRO users who wants to improve their work speed. The tool is designed by PRO Blender user. And now he can work faster with this tool.



FLARED是一款实时镜头光效耀斑Blender插件 ,可在Cycles和Eeve中直接在Blender的VIEWPORT中工作。 FLARED is a REAL-TIME LENS FLARE GENERATOR that works directly in the VIEWPORT of Blender both in Cycles and Eevee. Really easy to use.

  【插件简介】 Turbo Render 极其出色的渲染结果,速度高达 960 ...

TEXtoPBR插件可以读取选择的图像后缀,并将它们与其简单的数据库“json 文件”进行比较,可以在Blender内部进行贴图分层编辑 TEXtoPBR reads your selected images suffixes, and compares them to its simple database “json file” … which you can edit inside blender itself



http://cloud.video.taobao.com/play/u/null/p/1/e/6/t/1/442998495020.mp4 ...




Auto-Rig Pro是一种多合一的解决方案,用于绑定角色,重新定位动画并为Unity和Unreal Engine提供Fbx导出。最初是作为我自己的内部装配工具开发的,几年前我已经发布了它,此后又添加了许多新功能。


使用关键帧在 Blender 中为某些属性设置动画后,您可以编辑它们对应的曲线。当某物被“动画化”时,它会随着时间而改变。该曲线显示为称为F曲线的东西。基本上F曲线所做的是两个动画属性之间的插值。在 Blender 中,为对象设置动画意味着更改其属性之一,例如对象的位置或比例

插件可在Blender中更改纹理化和创建复杂材质的过程。使用自定义节点添加过程效果,或将其直接绘制在模型上。您还可以一次绘制颜色,金属,粗糙度,法线和高度图,从而加快工作流程。 并且,告别凌乱的节点树。遮罩工具有助于使节点设置井井有条且易于理解。 Mask Tools is an addon that changes the process of texturing and creating complex materials in Blender.Add procedural effects with custom nodes, or paint them directly on your model. You’ll also speed up your workflow by painting color, metallic, roughness, normal, and height maps all at once.

它在重定时的项目之后移动项目,因此您的动画保持紧凑并且您的标记保持有用。 您可以在播放动画时进行编辑,因为它与播放头位置无关。 它是在帧中定义的,而不是按比例定义的,因此您可以按照自己的想法工作。 它具有根据您的喜好自定义行为的选项,例如自动调整总动画长度。

为您的模型设置合适的照明设置的最简单、最快的方法。为不擅长照明的人制作了这个插件。解决此问题的一种方法是蛮力方法。在几秒钟内尝试数千种设置。这正是这个插件的目的。 Lighter is the easiest and fastest way to have a decent lighting setup for your models. I made this addon for people like me who are not really good at lighting. One way to solve this problem is the brute force way. Trying thousands of setups in a matter of seconds. And that’s exactly what this addon is about.

可以将任何模型直接转换成复古8 Bit像素化风格,方便制作游戏、GIF、贴纸等方面渲染 Alt Tab’s Pixel is an add-on that allows you to turn any object into pixel art with ease. You can also create animated game sprites with it, as well as do things like creating GIFs, stickers, and entire environments.

SpeeRetopo Addon帮助您在Blender上轻松快速地进行Retopology!这个插件是为初学者设计的,使用起来非常简单。它为您提供了所有必要的工具来进行润饰。Speedretopo由一位自由艺术家为所有艺术家制作。 SpeeRetopo Addon’s helps you to make easy and Fast Retopology on Blender!The addon was made for beginners and is really simple to use. It gives you all the necessary tools to work on your retopology. Speedretopo was made by a freelance artist for all blender artists.

HDRi Maker允许您在2次点击中创建超逼真的照明和放置模型的环境,以便能够自由渲染或动画化它们,而无需添加其他对象。这是一个很大的节省时间!包含480个具有不同环境的HDR/EXR背景!

